Jaden turns 8 month old today. We brought him to Toys'r'us last night and got him a puppet frog. Well. technically he chose his own gift and is very very much pleased with it. He absolutely loves it. He chose a florescent green coloured frog.
Hubby pulak got himself a couple of Transformers Animated toys that hit Toys'r'us last night.
Me? Nothing.. but I discovered something. That the old Marks and Spencers at the One U Old Wing is now Nichii. Wonderful news eh? At least for me its wonderful news. Now if there aren't any sizes of what I want at The Curve, I can always drive to One U to check them out rather to drive all the way to sungeiway.
I haven't been able to blog these few days because Hubby was just at the comp nearly 24/7 browsing through his things. Leaves me no chance to even go near the computer.
Last Saturday, Sharon came down from Kluang to shop. I guess all those shopping is to pamper herself for her birthday. Later at night, she came over to my place to hangout with Joy and I. This time, she brought a new guy -Kenny. Supposedly its her boyfriend. Hmm.. Nyways, we all girls had a nice night just catching up, gossiping and playing with Jaden. I missed those girly times. Jaden seemed to like Sharon too. It must be the hair. Jaden seems to like to play with girls that has long hair.
I have also been busy myself -had been watching the TVB dramas like mad. RIght now, I am watching War Of In Laws 2. 5 more episodes to go. Can't wait for Hubby to get me Catch Me Now. I am stuck at episode 14 because the discs that Tommy brought over for me weren't complete. Ggrrr.. make me kanchiong only!
oH ya, Jaden knows how to say Da deeee already but it depends on his mood la. He will call out to his father when he feels like it or when he cries for his daddy's help. He calls me "Eh Eh Eh" yeap.. Mommy has now become "Eh EH Eh". *sigh*
My aircond is leaking water again. Just two nights ago, I knew something was about to happen and surely it will have to be something to do with the aircond. True enough at 430am, it leaked water. Thankfully it did not dripped down on Jaden. Off-ing it quickly, three of us just have to settle with the fan. Hubby and I were ok then.. but poor Jaden, he couldnt really sleep after that. Tossing and turning and tossing, sweating.. finally he fell asleep because he got too tired... SO now I moved the bed to the other side of the room and couldn't care less if the air con drip. I rather my son not suffer the heat and let him have his peaceful sleep. Its just now Hubby have to cramp with the wall. *gRin*
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