Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Reality bites

Here I am sitting realizing one thing. Reality just hit me hard that I am now a mother. And to be a mother comes great responsibility. How I came to realization :-

Scenario 1

Friend : Hey lets go for drinks when I am back.
Me : Drinks? You mad? How to bring my son for a drink with me?
Friend : Leave him at home with the father for a while lah..
Me : Don't want la.. You come over or we go out for lunch or something la...

Scenario 2

Friend : Theres a rave
Me : *silent*
Friend : Oh ya, you got to stay home and be a mom

Scenario 3

Friend : We are going to _______ for holiday. Wanna join? Its only 3 days 2 nights..
Me : Will skip. Can't leave my son...
Friend : Put la him to stay with his grandparents or something..
Me : No one understands my son like I do.. so no no...

You get the picture now don't you? There are more scenarios but I guess 3 examples given is more than enough for everybody to understand my situation. I am happy staying home with my son. I do not feel as if I missed out anything but from time to time, I do miss a little hanging out having a drink or two and dancing under the stars or be it out playing with my girls. *sigh* Life did take a 360 change for me didn't it? Who would believe 5 years ago, that I would turned out to be who I am today?

When I was in high school, and my girlfriends have boys falling head over heels for them.. I was wondering if I were lucky to even get one person to notice me.. I was so geeky looking, with specs, bad-hair day everyday and skinny like nobody's business. Then nearing the end of F5, everything fell into place... had its' ups and downs. I just want to say that it shaped me to who I am today and I am grateful that Hubby and I found each other.

I believe in the saying "When one door closes, another door will open"

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